Surface Decoration: Finishing Techniques артикул 9336a.
Surface Decoration: Finishing Techniques артикул 9336a.

Редактор: Anderson Turner When potters are ready to go beyond dipping, pouring and brushing the same palette of glazes onto their work, they'll find the alternatives to surface decoration offered here to be an excellent jumping-off point In this collection, thirty of the most innovative and talented contemporary ceramic artists share овшцф the techniques and processes that make their work unique and expressive Surface Decoration: Finishing Techniques covers techniques at all stages of the ceramic process, including forming, leather hard, bisque and even after the final glaze firing Artists discuss their working styles and tools, some provide detailed step by step instructions, while others discuss their successes and trials in broader terms You'll find information on glazes and glazing, recipes, embossing, sgraffito, brushwork, printing, patinas, roulettes, stamping, decals, stains, resists, slips, china painting, stencils, faux finishes, and more Whether you're a talented professional, an enthusiastic novice, or an instructor looking for fresh course material, Surface Decoration: Finishing Techniques offers the information, instruction and inspiration you need to move in a new direction.  HalloweИздательство: American Ceramic Society, 2008 г Мягкая обложка, 144 стр ISBN 1574982907 Язык: Английский.